Saturday, September 1, 2012

Badger Anti Bug Spray Review

It's summertime and that means that you'll be spending much more time outdoors.  Being outdoors can be a great way to relax in the sun or water, but one negative aspect of the outdoors is the bugs.  Mosquitoes flourish this time of year, and you want to do everything you can to keep them away from your family.  But did you know that the bug sprays you use can actually negatively affect the health of you and your family?

Recent reports have stressed the fact that bug sprays contain chemicals that can be very harmful to the health of you and your family.  Bug sprays sold nationwide commonly contain the chemical DEET, which can cause skin irritations.  DEET can also cause neurological problems.  People who consume too much DEET may have trouble walking or experience seizures. The effects of DEET are much more likely to affect children and infants, so it is important to keep it away from children.  People who frequently use a lot of bug spray can experience skin burning and blistering, and if DEET is ingested it can irritate the stomach and cause nausea.  If massive amounts of DEET are swallowed it could reduce the heart rate and blood pressure.
There are a number of ways to avoid DEET.

Natural and chemical-free bug sprays can offer great protection from bugs without damaging the skin.  Badger Anti-Bug Spray is a wonderful natural bug spray that is safe for the skin.  Badger Anti-Bug Spray contains natural essential oils, like citronella, cedar, and lemongrass.  These oils have been used throughout history to combat insects, and today they remain powerful bug repellents.

As summertime sets in, so will the mosquitoes.  It is important to provide your family with safe bug sprays that don't contain harmful chemicals, like DEET.  Badger Anti-Bug Spray is a natural bug spray that fights bugs with natural oils, like citronella.  Badger Anti-Bug Spray is not only a great way to protect your skin from bugs, but also from the dangerous chemicals found in other bug sprays.  

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